Do Christians Have A World View?

A  Christian has a worldview. Having renounced the world and entered a new kingdom- he resolves to live a mandate that was stolen in the Garden of Eden by Satan the god of this dark world. His new world view means an adoption of new culture, attitudes, belief system, goals, motives, lifestyle language. Indeed a new life that drives those qualities.

In 1932 when the young Curtis D. MacDougall published a journalistic bible Interpretative Reporting, the hitherto holy ethos of objective reporting found a place on the cross of condemnation. But to be fair to him, he admonished that “the reporter must be well versed in every field of human endeavor so that he can do more than just present facts to his reader. The reporter must select the facts he wants to present and then interprete them according to his own personal feelings and impressions”

The assumption here is that the reporter is   more knowledgeable than the reader. Quoting Marquis W. Chids, Curtis broadens the horizon further,” The interpretative reporter expands the horizon of the news. He explains, he amplifies, he clarifies…expand the peripheries of the news…going behind the handout and the press conference”

This means that the editorial page style writing   gained license to bring objective reporting within its edifice. That is, the reporter in his new found “authoritarianism” reports how he personally evaluated the news in the context of the whole story.

It wasn’t long before another world view started challenging the NEW MEDIA Philosopher- King. Between 1979 and 1980 sociologists S. Robert Lichter and Stanley Rothman conducted a research on the free press in America under the authority of the Research Institute on International Change at Columbia University.

This research showed that;
·         50% of the media elite eschew religious affiliations. The majority were liberals and godless people exuding a world view antagonistic to belief in God.
·         Their personal morality convictions revealed   84%  of them rejected state regulation of sexual practices;
·         90%    agreed that a woman should have the right to decide if she wants to kill her unborn child;
·         75 %  disagreed that homosexuality is wrong;
·         85 % supported the right of homosexuals to teach in schools;
·         54 %  did not consider adultery wrong;
·         15 %  agreed that extramarital affairs are immoral
The result of this exposition is that the media elite could not be relied upon to give a fair, balanced world view of the sensibilities of the majority of the people. There is therefore the urgent need to recognize the defining influence of religion in public and private life in the world today.

A Christian is wont to see an event differently from a non Christians because he lives to obey a God whose ways are not man’s ways.

Religious convictions motivated the founding of the earliest American colleges, such as Harvard (1636), College of William and Mary (1693), and Yale (1701). In the 19th century rivalry among Protestant denominations, and competition among towns seeking a commercial edge over their rivals, were responsible for the creation of hundreds of colleges. Almost all were privately supported, and many failed to survive. Nevertheless, 573 colleges existed in the United States in 1870, a testament to civic and religious support and to the faith of Americans in the power of schooling.
For instance prosperity has often been misunderstood by the secular media. While it understands it as another business, a Christian expects prosperity as God’s will for him. Prosperity in the bible is not mutually exclusive to holiness and salvation. This is why many people within and outside the church has been frustrated because they believe otherwise. The truth is that why it is   God’s wish, “…that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers”, [3 John 2, AMB] anybody can be wealthy through any other means.

Satan actually tempted Jesus with this other means to wealth. A scenario like implosive instant messaging today, “…the devil led him up and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. …and said to him,” To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.”

Jesus answered him, “It is written, Worship the Lord   your God, and serve only Him.”[Luke 4:5-8 NRS].

Satan wanted to make Jesus wealthy his own way.   It is a battle of who you worship.

Like any system of belief and values—is it Platonism, Marxism, Freudianism, or democracy—Christianity is understood only “from the inside,” to those who share the beliefs and strive to live by the values…”

Journalistic and other interpretative effort that ignores these “inside” aspects of it would not be theologically or intellectually faithful.

Pope Benedict XVI, the beloved professor who was loved by his students for his gentleness and intellect as he encouraged them to seek out truth anywhere was latter overwhelmed when existentialism questioned the relativity of truth.

Stephen Mansfield, the New York Times best selling author of The Faith of George W. Bush in the  biography Pope Benedict XVI-His Life and Mission, writes,” In the Marxist worldview, faith is frequently trumped by atheism, the church is replaced by the state, community by political party, and man as a spirit is replaced by man as an economic unit.

“When many students at Tubingen [where Pope Benedict XVI was professor] embraced this secular religion and rejected the old order, the school became a “battle zone… Students kept professors from talking. They were verbally abusive, very primitive and aggressive…discussions erupted into a furniture- throwing fight…Many of the young whom the professor had learned to love became long-haired, unkempt radicals who were insulting, arrogant, and threatening…

“…These new radicals retained biblical language but gave the words a new political meaning. Now, “sin” frequently meant “oppression” “redemption” meant “revolution”, and “righteousness” meant “social justice”, as defined by Marxist ideology. The professor realized that if you alter Christian language, you lose Christian meaning and, ultimately, lose God in the process”.

“…Now he understood: Marxism was not a new ideology by which to interpret Christianity, Marxism was a replacement for Christianity-a dark, sinister, secular reworking of the very truth of God”.

As new forces try to reinterpret the Bible we must hid the following guidelines.
·         Read prayerfully  asking the Holy Spirit for understanding.
·         Study the preceding and succeeding contexts.
·         Recognize other related passages
·         Study other non-biblical materials related to the subject.
·         Choose interpretation consistent with the whole Bible.
·         Be open to new revelation.

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