Experience Some Moments With Billy Graham Across The Globe

March 13, 2018

Naked Racism In Zimbabwe

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'' The discourtesy, disdain and paternistic attitudes towards the Africans by some of the white population in Rhodesia was very disturbing to me''.

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Posted by Ambassador T.Brikins

We held ...  meetings in Salisbury (now Harare, Zimbabwe), where some of the Europeans urged us not to provide any translation into the African languages. We refused, knowing that a lack of translation would discourage black attendance, as it was intended to do. It was deeply moving to watch hundreds of blacks and whites come forward together at the Invitation. The discourtesy, disdain and paternistic attitudes towards the Africans by some of the white population in Rhodesia was very disturbing to me. We bent over backward to stress that God’s love extended equally to all, regardless of race or background.

In Salisbury we were the houseguests of the British Governor general. Also, staying with him was Commonwealth Secretary Sir Alec Douglas-Home, who later became the Prime Minister of Great Britain. We immediately became good friends and crossed paths a number of times in later years.

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