The Positive Influence of the Bible in America

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By Betty Miller
Psalm 33:12:  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance."
Everything good that we have been blessed with in our society here in the U.S.A., comes directly or indirectly, from God's grace and the Bible's influence.  You may think this a bold statement to make but I am prepared to defend it.  One of the things that I am sure that grieves the heart of God, is the fact that instead of people being grateful for all the blessings God has bestowed upon mankind, many blame Him and His followers for the problems in the world. 
In our society it seems popular to criticize Christians and blame them for things that really are not their fault. They are even lumped in the same category with cults and weird sects.  People should realize there are things that are said and done in the name of Christianity that are not Christian at all.  The Bible even warns us of people like that who actually hurt the cause of Christ.  In this article when I speak of Christian or Christianity, I am referring to the true believer and the true followers of Christ.  
Many people do not realize what the Bible and Christian influence has accomplished for the betterment of our lives, especially here in the United States.  They walk around enjoying the good life with its abundance here in free America, without understanding they owe it all to a book they have been taught by many to despise -- the Bible. Even some countries who have embraced false religions are blessed in aspects of their societies where they are practicing scriptural principles. The keeping of God's Word always brings blessing.
It is a well-known fact that our founding fathers in the USA were, for the most part, godly men who took the Bible's principles to construct our Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Any unbiased historian knows that the Bible has had a much  greater influence in the shaping of the foundation of this nation than is being currently taught in our schools  Let us look at some of these influences that we could lose if we fail to acknowledge God and bring Him back in the national life. 

The Bible and Its Effect on the Judicial System of the United States  
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The United States has laws on the books that enforce punishment on those who would assault and rape women, those who would murder, those who would steal and lie. You may be surprised to know that the source of these laws came directly from the Bible and were given for the protection of society. Many of them can be found in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy. 
Other examples of laws taken directly from the Bible are our laws regarding bankruptcy, laws in our courts that demand witnesses to a crime before one can be convicted, and laws that demand just weights for commerce Many of the past laws, like our child labor laws protected children from being exploited.  Even our government Child Protection Agency was created  to keep children from abuse. Although this agency goes to the extreme at times and shields a rebellious child that is lying, its original intent was to protect children from parental abuse. Our civil laws were established to keep order in our society, and because our founding fathers were Christians, they created a structure that was based on moral laws taken from the Bible.
Most of the original laws that our judicial system upheld were taken directly from the Bible. (Many of these down through the years have now been altered or abandoned to our determent as a nation.  In fact, scripture says we would live in such a day. (Daniel 7:25: "And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.")
Our present-day judicial system has now drifted away from its original intent of protecting the innocent and unjustly accused, while convicting the wicked so they will not harm others. Today, it is being exploited by many lawyers, as well as people who want to use the legal system for personal gain beyond what would be a fair settlement.  They are seeking outlandish judgments that in the end all the people will pay for.   Through unfair settlements in these kinds of suits, the lawyers are the ones most rewarded.  Protection of the innocent, in many cases, has been overruled while criminals are not justly dealt with.  Quick punishment for the guilty has been abandoned, as court appeals and delays stretch into costly and lengthy trials that last for years at the public's expense. We need to return to Biblical principles and once again shape our laws accordingly, if we desire to see justice in our land. 2 Samuel 23:3, "The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spake to me, He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God."

The Bible and Its Effect on Benevolent Practices in Society
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Historically, when true Christianity came to any region, those who were practicing Christ's commands would began to reach out to help the poor, the oppressed, the sick, and needy. Most of our present day hospitals, charity centers, orphanages and rescue missions were all founded by Christians in keeping with the Biblical commands of Christ to demonstrate His love to a needy world. God has always been interested in helping the weak, the feeble and afflicted.  Ungodly societies destroy their weak, helpless and burdensome members.
We are praying for all nations that practice abortion because this practice does not show the love of God toward babies.  Rather, it is an unloving act that is adversely affecting all of society.  Men and women are hardening their hearts to the idea of protecting the sanctity of a human life. Regardless of what those who believe in abortion rights claim, most abortions are not done to protect the mother's life or some other so-called valid reason,  but, rather to allow the mother and father to escape their responsibility of caring for the little life they had a part in creating.  Most abortions are done out of pure selfishness. The mother and father simply do not want a child to interfere with their plans.  The Bible teaches we are to overcome selfishness, not encourage it. We need to reverse the law in our land that allows abortions so freely, as the soul of our nation has accepted a practice that we will all regret. The consequences of murder is "a life for a life" and this will mean the loss of much life in our nation unless we repent.
Numbers 35:33:  "So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it."
In regard to abortion, another thing the U.S. is facing, is the fact that our nation's workforce is hitting middle age. Along with this comes the threat of a long-term labor shortage. When abortion first became legalized no one foresaw this problem.   Because people are living longer (Our current average life span in the U.S.A. is 76 years according to recent statistics), the senior population will need to be supported by younger workers in the social security program.  Where will these workers come from? Since we have now murdered  over 10,000,000 of our potential new workers, we are left with an enormous shortage of younger workers.   Baby Boomers are turning 50 at a rate of 11,000 people per day.¹   Their impending departure from the labor pool is creating a shortage of workers leaving not enough younger workers to fill their place. Eleven percent fewer Americans were born from 1966 to 1985 than those born in the two decades after World War II. Because of lower birth rates, coupled with job expansion, employers will have no choice but to fill their payrolls with those over 60 who are willing to continue to work. If our nation ever needed to reverse a law that is destroying us it is the law that is allowing abortions.
Other nations like China, who limit their population expansion through abortion are also running into problems.  Because each family is only allowed one child, many parents are electing to keep their sons while destroying their daughters, so they will have a male heir. The population in China is now out of balance with more men than women. Where will Chinese men be able to find a female mate for marriage? This could create severe problems in the social structure of a nation that could lead to rape, jealousy, etc. 

  Christianity's Influence in Education 
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Contrary to popular opinion, Christians are not anti-education. The Bible instructs us to teach our children.  The real issue is not eliminating education, but rather seeing that the information being taught is accurate and is not against the Word of God. Most of our well known universities, such as Harvard, Princeton and Yale, were founded by Christians.  In fact, the first 126 colleges and universities in the U.S.A. were built for the glory of Jesus and the advancement of the gospel.²  Christians took the Bible seriously when the Word of God commanded them to teach and train their children in the way of the Lord.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7: "And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up."
How sad it is now that our laws now forbid Christian students to pray publicly in the classrooms of our schoolsInstead, violence stalks the halls of our education centers and children are murdering in the classrooms.   Each law that eliminates God and His influence from our society, allows evil to fill its place. Disallowing public prayer in our schools  is another law that needs to be reversed. 

How the Bible and Christianity Has Influenced the Family Unit
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The Kenneth Copelands

The Bible is very supportive of the family unit as God created the first family.  The family unit in America was the strongest when the national life of the nation upheld laws and principles that protected it. As the judicial system relaxed divorce laws with no-contest rulings, divorce increased.  When our society became tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle, the family unit took another downward spiral.  (Notice, I said tolerant of the homosexual lifestyle, not the homosexual. God loves the homosexual and wants to change them and give them a normal life. However, He hates the sin of homosexuality as it is destroying many lives and families.)  When laws are established that encourage sin, then the fruit of that sin brings confusion to society.  Laws in our nation that are trying to gain acceptance for gays to marry will further escalate destruction to the family.  

The Lord desires for the family unit to once again thrive with the husband as the head of the family who loves and nurtures his wife and children.  Christian homes that are in God's order will produce happy and loving families. Many cultures throughout history made women mere chattels or property of the man.  When Jesus came, He truly liberated women to be restored to their proper place in a marriage. The Biblical model for marriage is a partnership between a husband and wife, where both parties love and respect each other.  Cultures and societies without the Bible's influence usually repress and use the women and even the children.
However, our culture has, in many ways, swung in the opposite direction with many woman dominating and lording it over the man and trying to rule him. Many women in the United States do not have a submissive attitude toward their husbands, but rather, want to do their own thing.  Many women in our nation have abandoned their husbands and children for the excitement of the marketplace. Being in this arena has further divided the home and left a whole generation of children without their mothers or fathers. It is not always wrong for women to be in the workplace, but generally it is better for the mother to be at home with the children when they are young. Children no longer are being mentored by their parents, but by daycare workers, baby sitters, humanistic school teachers, and the wicked influences of the media that have brainwashed them with the evil ideas of the day. The Bible is just old-fashioned enough to advise parents to teach and raise their children. (We realize 50% of homes in America are single parent homes and some of these never wanted to be in that situation.  In those cases, they must make the best of the situation they are in and pray for the Lord to help them.) 
Ephesians 5:21-25:  "Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. 22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.  23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. 24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. 25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it."

Our homes are being battered from many different sources. Pornography is another area where our laws need tightening and enforcing.  Our nation also has laws on the books against this evil. However, we have allowed evil to prevail in the name of freedom.  Without a Christian influence against this kind of evil, more women and children will be exploited, and lust will destroy the intimacy of our marriages.   Keeping the commandments of the Bible is all that stands between us and this flood of evil. Those who produce pornography for greed and those who want their lustful and sinful desires satisfied are responsible for this   evil remaining in our nation. 

It is only the "salt and light" of Christianity that keeps us from total destruction. Again, Christianity's effect on the family unit is demonstrated as people follow the Lord's plan for a happy marriage with the husband loving and caring for his wife as the Lord cares for His bride, the church. 

The Bible's Influence in the Market Place
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If you have a day off during the week you can attribute it to the influence of Christianity.  The Bible lists as one of the Ten Commandments, the keeping of the Sabbath rest.
Exodus 20:8-11: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: 10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: 11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it."

Nations that do not allow their people a day off during the week for rest, end up working their people and their animals to death.  They have shorter life spans in nations who do not observe the Sabbath rest.
Other influences of Christianity and the Word of God in the market place are the establishment of just and fair wages, the negotiating of honest deals and production of quality products. 

Christianity's Influence on Animal Rights and Ecology
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The Bible gives us guidelines in the handling of the earth's resources and Christians are taught in the Word of God to manage them properly.  The scriptures are not silent in regard to these things.  Proverbs 12:10 says, "A righteous man regardeth the life of his beast; but the tender mercies of the wicked are cruel."
We can also see from the scripture's below that the Bible teaches ecology by allowing the mother bird to go if you eat the eggs she has lain. 
Deuteronomy 22:6-7: "If a bird's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree, or on the ground, whether they be young ones, or eggs, and the dam sitting upon the young, or upon the eggs, thou shalt not take the dam with the young: 7 But thou shalt in any wise let the dam go, and take the young to thee; that it may be well with thee, and that thou mayest prolong thy days."
Caring hearts will take care of the animals and the land.  The Bible even instructed man to allow the land that crops were raised on to rest every seventh year. Our crops are suffering from depleted vitality because we do not heed this admonition today.  Farmers should rotate their crops so that every portion of their land could rest every seven years. Exodus 23:10-11: "And six years thou shalt sow thy land, and shalt gather in the fruits thereof: 11 But the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie still; ... In like manner thou shalt deal with thy vineyard, and with thy oliveyard."

The Bible's Influence in the Culture and Traditions of Society
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Lara George
When the Bible's influence is strong in a society, it will affect all aspects of that culture in a positive way.  The opposite is also true -- when a society turns its back on God, it will begin to reflect evil in its cultural choices. We see this today as we watch our young and old people embrace things that are totally unbiblical.  How we dress, what we eat, what music we listen to, and what we choose for entertainment, are all reflections of how strongly or weakly we embrace the Word of God.  Rebellious, anti-Christ music has become firmly established in our society today in spite of the dangerous influence it has had on our young people. This music has encouraged lust, sex, suicide, rebellion against authority, etc. Even physically, it has damaged the hearing of a whole generation of young people who listen to loud music and live bands constantly.  There are those who are deaf or going deaf from this exposure. 
Many of our young people today don't realize how unbecoming, and in some cases even vulgar, the latest clothing trends and fads appear on them. They look strange with their body piercings, tattoos, and extreme oversized baggy clothes that show their underwear. Others wear extremely tight shorts and other revealing clothes with nude portions of their bodies showing. Our culture has stamped its approval because so many young people have embraced these things. Older people have embraced many of the same things.  They think it is the trendy thing to do.  However, Praise God, we do have a remnant of young people who are seeking to be like Jesus as their motto is "What would Jesus Do?"  What would He do?  I personally can't picture Jesus with nose rings, tattoos, underwear showing, and His hair dyed purple. Praise God for the young people who are taking a stand against the ungodly trends of our society.  We are regressing in our culture when we watch our youth defile their bodies and express themselves in ways that are unbecoming as Christians.
We could address many more cultural trends and traditions that do not glorify God or are against the Word of God. However, at this time, we will address only one more; the tradition of Halloween. The celebration of this holiday has its roots in witchcraft. Although this holiday is an Satanic celebration, the influence of Christianity in our nation has established the celebration of some true "holy-days."  Christmas, Thanksgiving and Easter are all Christian celebrations that we enjoy even if some people celebrate them in the wrong way. 

A Christian Guide to #DressGate

Huffpost Religion
Edition: U.S.
Cindy Brandt Headshot

A Christian Guide to #DressGate

Posted: Updated:

By now you have seen the dress, and gone through the stages of denial, bewilderment, and acceptance of how your perception of color differs from the next person. You may have even read The Science of Why No One Agrees on the Color of This Dress. But you may not yet have had a faith writer exegete the profound spiritual significance of the dress. Do not fear, I am here to deliver. Below is a simple Christian Guide to #Dressgate:
A. If you see blue/black: you are a solid Christian. Like a rock, you are steadfast and unchanging. Because rocks are often black.
B. If you see white/gold: we all know only true Christians can see white/gold, as gold signifies the color which paves the streets of heaven, and white the color of angel's robes.
C. If you see BOTH colors: you are one of those progressive, liberal, hippy types who is so politically correct you can't even exclude a color set of a dress.
D. If you can only see one set of colors, but you're so convinced you can trick your brain into seeing the other that you will spend an entire span of family dinner twitching your face, blinking and winking furiously, twisting your head at ridiculous angles at the photo, then you are just my husband.
I'm C, of course. The freaky dress does crazy mental magic on my brain and it switches colors, forcing me to existentially question every life decision I have ever made with my faulty, cognitive synapses.
And I'm kidding. Please, don't be sending me hate mail about the true Christian thing, I'm kidding.
Seriously, #dressgate is a timely demonstration of a message I hope to spread. As a Christian who grew up in between cultures and spends her adult life globe trotting, I cannot stress enough how differently all of us perceive reality. I am passionate about this message because I believe an inability to embrace different perceptions is a major source of much strife in our world. And to maintain an ignorant posture within the church does grave injustice to under-represented perspectives of many of our Christian friends.
We have deep within us an urgent desire to be believed. My son was the only person in our family who saw white/gold in the dress. When your view is a minority position, there's this sense of desperate longing for someone else to validate your perception of reality. Thankfully, our family quickly reassured him that we believe him, and as referenced above, Dad tried really hard to try to see the dress the way his son sees it.
Not everyone is so lucky. Marginalized voices are squelched consistently and constantly. Abuse victims are told they are imagining their oppression. Women are told their unequal treatment is first world whining, "look how far we've come!" GLBT folks are by default, relegated to defending their humanity and civil rights. People in poverty try to tell their stories of surviving on an uneven playing field but are disbelieved over and over again.
It is a tremendous affront to another person's humanity to deny that their perception of reality is true.
Our perceptions vary. Deeply and widely. Our perceptions of the world, the society, the family, ourselves, and yes, even our perceptions of God is vastly different. As Christians we struggle with this because we are afraid of an inconsistent God, a God who changes from this person's view to that person's ideas. But as soon as we insist on a God who looks the same to all of us, we have only succeeded in confining an infinite God to a box of our human production.
Consensus is not a requirement for entering the doors of a church. Most of us are satisfied by the scientific explanation of why we view the dress in different colors. We accept that our eyes reject different colors, and that the experience of seeing color varies from person to person. We don't need to agree to have fun together, arguing in good nature: it's blue/black! No, it's white/gold!
We need to be in relationship with one another without consensus of opinion. The goal of discipleship was never consensus. The process in which we come alongside one another, seeking to understand our differing views, caring even when we don't or can't understand, is a far more worthy goal.
This is love: that we will lay down our reputations and go every distance to hear another's story, and say, I believe you. Help me try to see your colors.
Cindy writes at Follow her on Facebook.

How to Succeed in Business Despite Stigma and Stereotypes

 How to Succeed in Business Despite Stigma and Stereotypes
  Christian executive offers advice for female entrepreneurs.
While women face significant disparities in executive leadership—The New York Times recently reported that fewer big companies are run by women than by men named John—women of color are up against additional barriers.
In the midst of an ongoing conversation about working women, we’re hearing more from minority women, who find stereotypes like the angry black woman, the chatty, accented Latina, and the demure, smart Asian carry over into professional settings.
An article in Forbes discussed how women of color have a “double hurdle of not being too aggressive and proving, sometimes repeatedly, that we are intelligent enough to warrant an audience for our ideas." About a third of them said they feel the need to play down their ethnicity to succeed at work.
Yet these challenges, in part, have driven the small-business boom among women of color. Rather than struggling to achieve leadership positions in traditional workplaces, some are choosing to create their own. The Center for Women’s Business Research named African American and Hispanic women the fastest-growing groups of entrepreneurs in the country, more likely to start businesses than their white counterparts.
After 15 years in leadership development for corporations and government agencies, Julianne Cenac celebrates the recent trend and believes understanding “core, God-given gifts and talents” is crucial for any woman to be effective in her career.
Cenac holds a doctorate in organizational leadership and has worked to shape the continuing education program at Regent University, where she serves as an instructor at its new Women’s Leadership Institute. A career woman and mom of two, she discusses the role of the church, Scripture, and prayer for women seeking to start their own businesses.
How have you seen the marketplace for women leaders change throughout your career? What trends do you see as the most encouraging?
I see less restrictive perceptions about women and their abilities. Earlier in my career, it was common to see women passed over for promotion or business travel opportunities because it was presumed that they would not want to balance those opportunities with other possible family priorities. However, women want to at least be considered or asked and then given the responsibility to make career decisions for themselves or in partnership with their own families.
Why do you think we have we seen so much growth among minority women in entrepreneurship?
Government contracts have long been a lucrative business source for companies in the defense, transportation, and technology sectors. When mechanisms were added for small businesses and minority-owned businesses to compete for those opportunities, it created avenues for minority women owners with stellar corporate credentials to emerge. Women are also wired to think holistically and solve problems; and minority women are no different. These are vital behaviors in entrepreneurship.
What do you see as the role of the church when it comes to working women? How might we support and equip the entrepreneurs among us?
The church can play a tremendous role by modeling behaviors that support rather than marginalize women who choose to work outside the home. There remains a stigma within the body of Christ regarding working women. I know a woman who holds a leadership role in a prominent organization. She was recently confronted by a male church leader that her leadership role outside the home was causing imbalance within her home and her marriage.... She was troubled at the underlying implication that somehow God would not condone her role.
The Scriptures are full of examples of women in leadership. More importantly, for some women, working outside of the home, particularly in entrepreneurial ventures, offers them greater flexibility and opportunity to balance other roles of taking care of their homes, their spouses, and their children.
What lessons from the Bible have you applied to your own work?
The Bible inspires my work daily through the Proverbs, which I [read] each morning for wisdom. As a woman, I particularly apply principles from Proverbs 31. The principles such as, “She arises while it is yet night; she provides food for her family and portions for her maidens,” teach me about the importance of time management when balancing family responsibilities. In other words, like many women, I have my most productive time to prepare myself and my responsibilities in the early hours of the morning before anyone is even awake. This helps me organize my day and be more effective.
What would your advice be for women who feel called to start their own business?
Pray; put their trust in God; get a healthy dose of confidence; and realize that their success is dependent on tapping into the flow of ideas and steps that God has ordered just for them. In other words, if a woman feels called to start a business, then she just needs to step out and do it.
Women tend to be thorough when it comes to market research, analysis, and planning. The real challenge is getting them to step out from the idea and conceptualization phase into the implementation and realization phase. So, to borrow a phrase, “Just do it.”
Julianne Cenac, Ph.D. is a leadership consultant and instructor with the T.D. Jakes School of Leadership at Regent University. She also serves as president and chief visionary officer at iPEC, a professional development services firm. Dr. Cenac may be reached at or via LinkedIn.

One-Third of Audience for Christian Books, Radio, TV, and Movies Is Unchurched

 One-Third of Audience for Christian Books, Radio, TV, and Movies Is Unchurched
LifeWay/NRB study examines whether Christian media is used for discipleship or evangelism.

Islamic State militants bulldoze ancient Nimrud city

BAGHDAD Fri Mar 6, 2015 8:48am EST

Image result for PROPHET JONAH'S TOMB IN MOSULImage result for prophet jonah's tomb

In July it destroyed the tomb of the prophet Jonah in Mosul

Genesis 10:9 ESV 

He was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord.”

Genesis 10:8-10 ESV 

Cush fathered Nimrod; he was the first on earth to be a mighty man. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord. Therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before the Lord.” The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar.

Reuters) - Islamic State fighters have looted and bulldozed the ancient Assyrian city of Nimrud, the Iraqi government said, in their latest assault on some of the world's greatest archaeological and cultural treasures.
A tribal source from the nearby city of Mosul told Reuters the ultra-radical Sunni Islamists, who dismiss Iraq's pre-Islamic heritage as idolatrous, had pillaged the 3,000-year-old site on the banks of the Tigris river, once capital of the world's most powerful empire.
The assault against Nimrud came just a week after the release of a video showing Islamic State supporters smashing museum statues and carvings in Mosul, the city they seized along with much of northern Iraq last June.
The United Nations cultural agency UNESCO condemned Islamic State's actions as "cultural cleansing" and a war crime. The government in Baghdad said the fighters were defying "the will of the world and the feelings of humanity."
"In a new crime in their series of reckless offences they assaulted the ancient city of Nimrud and bulldozed it with heavy machinery, appropriating archaeological attractions dating back 13 centuries BC," the tourism and antiquities ministry said.
Nimrud, about 20 miles (30 km) south of Mosul, was built around 1250 BC. Four centuries later it became capital of the neo-Assyrian empire - at the time the most powerful state on earth, extending to modern-day Egypt, Turkey and Iran.
Many of its most famous surviving monuments were removed years ago by archaeologists, including colossal Winged Bulls which are now in London's British Museum and hundreds of precious stones and pieces of gold which were moved to Baghdad.
But ruins of the ancient city remain at the northern Iraqi site, excavated by a series of experts since the 19th century. British archaeologist Max Mallowan and his wife, crime writer Agatha Christie, worked at Nimrud in the 1950s.

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 Agatha Christie

"Islamic State members came to the Nimrud archaeological city and looted the valuables in it and then they proceeded to level the site to the ground," the Mosul tribal source told Reuters. "There used to be statues and walls as well as a castle that Islamic State has destroyed completely."
Archaeologists have compared the assault on Iraq's cultural history to the Taliban's destruction of Afghanistan's giant Bamiyan Buddha statues in 2001. But the damage being wreaked by Islamic State, not just to ancient monuments but also on some Muslim places of worship, is even more relentless and wide-ranging.
"This is yet another attack against the Iraqi people, reminding us that nothing is safe from the cultural cleansing underway in the country," said UNESCO chief Irina Bokova.
"The deliberate destruction of cultural heritage constitutes a war crime," Bokova said, describing Iraq's history as "the heritage of the whole of humanity".
Last week's video showed fighters toppling statues and carvings from plinths in the Mosul museum and smashing them with sledgehammers and drills. It also showed damage to a huge statue of a bull at the Nergal Gate into the city of Nineveh.
Archaeologists said it was hard to quantify the damage; although some items appeared to be replicas, many priceless articles had been destroyed including artefacts from Hatra, a stunning pillared city in northern Iraq dating back 2,000 years.
Iraq's senior Shi'ite cleric, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani called on the country's deeply divided religious and ethnic groups to come together to fight Islamic State.
"Day after day, the need is proven for everyone to unite and fight this ferocious organisation that spares neither man nor stone," Sistani said in a Friday sermon delivered by an aide in the southern city of Kerbala.
Iraqi forces and Shi'ite militia supported by Shi'ite Iran have launched an offensive to drive Islamic State from the northern city of Tikrit and could move on Mosul later this year. A U.S.-led coalition is also mounting air strikes against the fighters.
Iraqi officials said last week that Islamic State had kept many artefacts to sell to antiquities smugglers and raise revenue.
A prominent politician from Iraq's Assyrian Christian community, some of whose members still speak the Aramaic language of Jesus, told Reuters on Friday that the destruction at Nimrud was aimed at covering up the fact that the militants had stolen and sold many pieces. Yonadam Kanna described them as "an ignorant, backward gang that seeks to erase the collective memory of Iraq and its culture and heritage".
Modern day Iraq was one of the birthplaces of civilisation, with agriculture and writing pioneered on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers more than 5,000 years ago. Many of the cities and empires mentioned in the bible's Old Testament were in what is now northern Iraq.
In the south, sheltered from Islamic State depredation but still damaged by years of conflict and theft, lie Babylon - site of Nebuchadnezzar's Hanging Gardens - Ur, birthplace of the Biblical patriarch Abraham, and the imperial capitals of Arab and Iranian empires in Samarra, Baghdad and Ctesiphon.
Islamic State, which rules a self-declared caliphate in north Iraq and eastern Syria, promotes a fiercely purist interpretation of Sunni Islam, rejecting religious shrines of any sort and condemning Iraq's majority Shi'ites as heretics.
In July it destroyed the tomb of the prophet Jonah in Mosul. It has also attacked Shi'ite places of worship and has ordered non-Muslims to convert, pay a tax or face the sword.
(Additional reporting by Isabel Coles in Erbil; Editing by Peter Graff)

Viewpoint: What West must do in Ukraine

Viewpoint: What West must do in Ukraine

Members of the Ukrainian armed forces ride armoured personnel carriers as they pull back from Debaltseve region, near Artemivsk
  It wouldd be folly for the West to arm Ukraine, argues Prof Anatol Lieven in this personal viewpoint piece, but it must take a tough diplomatic line.
If the latest ceasefire in eastern Ukraine breaks down, then there will be increased pressure on President Barack Obama by hawks in Washington - Democrat as well as Republican - to provide arms to Ukraine, and on European leaders to acquiesce in this.
In the view of a range of analysts and former officials on both sides of the Atlantic, this seems a singularly ill-thought out strategy.
Lesson from history More importantly, the advocates of arming Ukraine do not appear either to have sufficiently analysed the actual balance of forces on the ground, or to have studied a key lesson from recent history: namely, what happened to Georgia when its government launched an offensive against separatist rebels and their Russian backers in South Ossetia in August 2008.
After brief initial gains, the Georgian army was crushed by new Russian forces.
This apparently lunatic Georgian move is only comprehensible if President Mikheil Saakashvili believed that the USA would intervene militarily to prevent Georgia's defeat.
Of course it did not, nor had any such promise ever been made by the Bush administration.
But the Georgians could have been forgiven for not realising that, given that they had received weapons, extravagant political support, and a promise of future Nato membership from Washington.
What happened in Georgia?
A Russian armoured troop-carrier moves next to a house set on fire by South Ossetian militia on August 18, 2008 in the Georgian village Kvemo-Achebeti A Russian armoured troop carrier passes a house set on fire by South Ossetian militia in August 2008
  • In August 2008, tensions between Georgia and Russia escalated into a full-blown military conflict after Georgia tried to retake South Ossetia by force after a series of lower-level clashes with Russian-backed rebels.
  • Russia launched an overwhelming counter-attack, ejecting Georgian troops from both South Ossetia and Abkhazia, and subsequently recognising the two breakaway regions as independent states.
Against the background of this history, it cannot be emphasised too strongly that, for the foreseeable future, however many weapons the Ukrainian army receives from the USA, if it gets into an open fight with the Russian army, it is likely to lose, and lose catastrophically.

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Russia's leaders might want to reflect on the fact that by the same token, for the first time in history Russia has been under no real threat of attack from the West”
So far, very limited numbers of lightly disguised Russian troops have been enough to bring to a standstill the entire fighting strength of the Ukrainian army - last autumn, the Nato estimate was that a mere 3,000 Russian soldiers were present in the Donbas.
With massive US arms supplies, the Ukrainian army might well be able to launch an initially successful offensive against these forces and their local separatist allies. But what then?
All the evidence suggests that the Russian government simply cannot afford the humiliation of a Ukrainian military victory. In other words, as in August 2008 in Georgia, Moscow would respond with greatly increased military force.
In the highly unlikely event that the USA then sent its own troops to help Ukraine - which has already been repeatedly ruled out - we would be in a European war between nuclear powers. If it did not, the Ukrainian army would risk the high probability of defeat, and if so, the USA and Nato would be severely humiliated.
Territory struggle In August 2008, after smashing the Georgian army, Russia briefly occupied parts of Georgia proper - beyond the borders of the separatist territories of South Ossetia and Abkhazia - and then withdrew.
Since neither Russia nor the separatists had any historical or ethnic claim on these strategically worthless Georgian territories, there was no reason for them to stay.
Russian attitudes to eastern and southern Ukraine are very different. If the Russian army ever marches into Kharkov and Dnipropetrovsk, they are very likely to stay.

Ukraine can survive without Donetsk, Lugansk and the Crimea. Indeed, it could be seen as a stronger and more homogenous state without them, as the election of President Petro Poroshenko demonstrated.
The loss of a third of the country would be a very different matter.
The partition of Ukraine would indeed mark a return to the Cold War, implying vastly increased European military spending, and colossally increased aid to Ukraine intended to prepare the country for early membership of the European Union - something for which the EU is utterly unprepared.
The duty of Western leaders therefore is to try to make sure that the present ceasefire works.
Despite the battle for Debaltseve, there is some chance that it may work - or at least, a better chance than that of previous attempts.
This is above all because it includes a critical element missing from those attempts: a political solution tied to a specific timetable, and one which allows all the main parties to the conflict to achieve their most important goal (with the possible exception of the separatist leadership in the Donbas).
Concurrently with the withdrawal of heavy weapons, dialogue is to begin on holding local elections in the rebel territories, in accordance with the Ukrainian law on provisional autonomy for the region.
Reopen economic ties The Ukrainian parliament has to pass a resolution on this within 30 days of the ceasefire.
Continue reading the main story

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For the ceasefire to hold and a political solution to be reached, the governments of France and Germany will have to show an unwonted degree of resolve and toughness over the next year”
By the end of 2015, Ukraine is to regain full control of its borders in the east; but also by the end of 2015, a new Ukrainian federal constitution has to be adopted incorporating special autonomous status for the Donbas.
In the meantime, the government in Kiev will reopen economic ties with the Donbas and resume paying official salaries in the region - thereby helping in the process of reintegrating it into Ukraine.
For Kiev and Western governments, this agreement secures their most important goal of preserving the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, minus Crimea, with a central government which preserves the ability to conduct desperately needed reforms.
This is a goal which could otherwise only be achieved through victorious war - and whatever hawks in the USA may think, any full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia will almost certainly result not in Ukrainian victory, but in a crushing Ukrainian defeat and the further dismemberment of the country.
Moreover, trying to turn Ukraine into a country capable of planning such a war would require a degree of authoritarian nationalism which would move Ukraine not closer to the European Union, but even further away from it.
President Vladimir Putin in a lift
For Russia, this deal preserves the Donbas as a distinct autonomous area within Ukraine. A federal constitution would also help guarantee the position of Russian-speaking areas of the country against any move to forced ukrainianisation from Kiev.
From Moscow's point of view, this would also make it much more difficult to move Ukraine into the West's military camp without a strong consensus behind this in Ukrainian society - a consensus which was present in central European countries during their move to join Nato, but which has never existed in Ukraine.
This is the main sticking point as far as hardliners in both Ukraine and the US are concerned: that the present deal will make Ukraine's membership in Nato and the EU impossible.
'Long and painful changes' In actual fact, however, these are non-issues. By repeatedly stating that under no circumstances will Nato troops be sent to defend Ukraine, Nato seems to have rendered the idea of Ukrainian membership an unlikely prospect.
As for EU membership, it's unlikely any West European leader has ever considered this as more than the remotest of prospects, decades in the future and dependent on a whole series of extremely long and painful changes.
This is a decision therefore which would in all circumstances have to be left to a future generation.
Moreover, given the economic reality of Ukrainian economic dependence on Russia, salvaging Ukraine's collapsing economy can only be done in co-operation with Russia, not against her.
Unless, that is, the EU is prepared to demand from West European populations enormous sacrifices for the sake of helping Ukraine. Anyone who believes that is likely should have a brief conversation with a Greek.
James Reynolds reports from Debaltseve, "a town almost too dangerous to live in"
For the ceasefire to hold and a political solution to be reached, the governments of France and Germany will have to show an unwonted degree of resolve and toughness over the next year.
On the one hand, they will have to make clear to Moscow that the relaxations of sanctions against Russia will only come as a result of clear and consistent pressure on the Donbas rebels to abide by the terms of the ceasefire and to pursue autonomy within Ukraine, and not independence.
On the other hand, they will need to make clear to the Ukrainian government and to hardliners in Washington that significant EU aid to Ukraine, and an eventual path to possible EU membership, both depend on Kiev honouring the promise of real autonomy for the Donbas.
The present ceasefire and the associated political process are not perfect, but they present the best chance so far of ending this conflict, preserving by far the greater part of Ukraine as a unitary state, and avoiding an escalation of the war that would most probably be very bad for Russia and the West, and absolutely disastrous for Ukraine.
Anatol Lieven is a professor at Georgetown University in Qatar and author among other books of Ukraine and Russia: A Fraternal Rivalry.